+-----------+ | BRUNGSC | +-----------+ Software for Guide Star Catalog Data 1 2 (C) 1993 by Nikolay Sokolov 1 Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo, St.Petersburg 196140, Russia 2 University of Crete, Physics Department, Heraklion 714 09, Crete, Greece 1.0 Introduction In order to determine the field of view your telescope on the sky or to compare the results of the observation with data from Guide Star Catalog (GSC) the software BRUNGSC can be useful for your work. BRUNGSC is a user program for the IBM PC which allows scan GSC for objects within a user specified region, draw a sky map of the region in standard celestial coordinates (right ascension and declination) or in tangential plane (field of view of photometer). In same time you can change a size of the region, limit of magnitude and produce ASCII table of the region. The hardware requirements for BRUNGSC are the IBM PC or compatible with a CD-ROM drive, EGA or VGA graphics and the Guide Star Catalog CD-ROMs (version 1.0 or 1.1). I hope, that the BRUNGSC will be useful for astronomers using the panorama CCD-photometers. 2.0 Commands of BRUNGSC First of all, you must open the drive with GSC disk. Please, press key in the first string of the program, input letter from A: to W: and press key again. This is the rule for all commands of BRUNGSC. In order to quit BRUNGSC press the key and the program stops. 2.1 Coordinates central point of chart For input the coordinates of central point of chart you select third (for right ascension) or fourth (for declination) string of program and enter data. I would like to note that for declination need to enter "+" sign or "-" always. 2.2 Size of chart and limit of magnitude For change of size of the chart you select fourth or fifth string of program for right ascension and declination in minutes of arc respectively. For standard celestial coordinates the size will be along right ascension and declination, in same time for tangential plane those sizes will be along column and row you CCD-photometer (of course, if orientation your photometer is correct). In case if you want changes limit of magnitude select sixth string of program and enter data. 2.3 Draw chart on screen In order to plot the chart you select eighth for plot the chart in standard celestial coordinates and ninth string of the program for plot chart in tangential plane. The program begins reading of data GSC and plot stars on the screen. At the end of the work the program give scale of magnitude. If you want or not draw the coordinates network then select seventh string of the program and input letters "y" (yes) or "n" (not). 2.4 Create the file of coordinates For create the ASCII file selects tenth string of the program and press . The program asks you: "Do you want standard plane ?" If you put letter "y" then the program begins reading of data GSC, plot stars on the screen and put standard coordinates (right ascension and declination), screen coordinates and magnitude every star of your chart into ASCII file. If you put letter "n" then the program asks you: "Do you want tangent plane ?". In this case, the program put same data of your tangent plane into ASCII file. At present last command "Create PS file" does not work and will be in the next version of this program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have the questions or suggestions for author then send E-mail: sokolov@iesl.forth.gr or telex: 121351 PULOB SU